July’s Tutor Highlight is Delia S!

Introducing July’s Tutor Highlight, Delia S! With a commitment to education and a passion for English Language Arts, Delia has been tutoring students from diverse ages, backgrounds, and cultures for over a decade. With a Liberal Arts degree from De Anza College and a Certificate in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), Delia brings a wealth of knowledge to every tutoring session. “I love helping students with English Language Arts!” says Delia.

Currently, Delia is making a difference at Mission College’s Middle College Program, where she serves as an Academic Tutor. Her dedication to helping students has proved to be an invaluable asset to the program.

With much appreciation, we celebrate Delia as this month’s Tutor Highlight! We appreciate your dedication and the difference you are making in the lives of students!

Thank you Delia for continuing to make a difference in the lives of students! For more Tutor Highlights like these head over to our blog to read more!