Vanita Cillo Completes Service Hours as Alameda County Library Tutoring Pods Program Tutor Dear Mr. Reyes of Bay Area...
Opportunity Youth Academy Tutor: Michelle Valerio
Opportunity Youth Academy (OYA) is a program offering students the chance to get their high school diploma if they...
COVID-19 and Technology in Education
Education is now influenced by technology more than ever due to COVID-19. This is harder for some than for others. As...
Challenge of the Switch to Online Tutoring
Path to Excel Program Tutor, Naomi Chia Describes Change to Online Tutoring COVID-19 forced a switch from in-person to...
College Readiness And Mentoring This Summer!
What is College Readiness And Mentoring (C.R.A.M.)? Getting ready for college goes far beyond researching schools and...
A Tutor’s Take On The Education System
Some say the educational system has not changed for a century and is overdue for an overhaul. Others say the system we...
Emma Makes an Impact as a Tutor
SJ Learns program tutor, Emma At Bay Area Tutoring Association (BATA), we strive to get to know each one of our...
Tutoring, The Foundation For A Path In Education – GP Chiang’s Story
G.P. Chiang began tutoring at 14, as a way to earn gas money in high school. Then, in college GP found that tutoring...
SJ Learns Program Tutor: Angela Bagsik
Angela Bagsik, Committed Tutor Bay Area Tutoring Association was awarded The San José Learns Initiative (“SJ Learns”)...
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